"Jeff's presentation is FOR teachers,

delivered BY a teacher!"

Jeff offers the following sessions:

Day One:  Preparing For the First Day of School — And Beyond (a 3-hour school- or district-based presentation)  Teachers cannot teach, and students cannot learn, in a chaotic environment.  This session provides practical ideas and strategies that virtually guarantee an orderly classroom from the moment the bell rings – if not sooner – regardless of class size, demographic background, or RTI tier.  At the end of this session, teachers will have in hand:

  • Their own class rules that are simple, practical, and adaptable to virtually any situation that may arise
  • Samples of classroom procedures  that ensure order and minimize chaos, and an understanding of how to create their own
  • A practical understanding  of some of the “DOs” and “DO NOTs” of the first day of school
  • An optimistic outlook and a new (or perhaps renewed) appreciation of our profession

This presentation is particularly useful to new or struggling teachers.

Day One:  What To Do (And Not Do) On The First Day of School  (a 45-minute keynote address) The first day of school is the most important day of the school year.  What To Do shows teachers how they can maximize the likelihood of getting the year off to a good start.  It discusses the questions to which all students want answers on the first day of school, and how teachers can address these in their script for the first day.  It models simple, effective, and engaging ways that teachers can begin laying the foundation of a very positive experience for the students.  It also includes some non-examples that will serve as cautions for new teachers as they begin their rookie year. 

SPEAKING:  Sharing With Our Profession

​​ Jeff takes teachers into his classroom and shows them how he plans and implements strategies that have made him a very successful  teacher.  Through personal anecdotes he shares what has worked for him – as well as what hasn’t – during his more than two decades of classroom experience.  Teachers will laugh as they listen.  Some will cry.  All will leave with a renewed enthusiasm for our profession and will have a plan in place for how to begin their school year.  They will know how to establish and maintain a classroom in which students learn throughout the year.  And ultimately, they will learn what it takes to make an impact on their students’ lives.

   Jeff “gets” students, and during his presentation he models for his audience how he creates and maintains a classroom environment in which his students truly develop an appreciation for learning.  Jeff is humble and yet authoritative, knowledgeable but not a know-it-all.  His presentation is practical and realistic, and it is presented in a way that is simple, clear, and easy to understand.  He shows his audiences how he provides what some in his local district refer to as “the Gulle Experience.”

"After seeing Jeff present, I was motivated to go back and look at my own educational plan!  He was very engaging and as a teacher I could see how what he uses in his classroom would be both relevant and useful to my students!”

Amanda B.

Fifth-Grade Teacher

Dyersburg, TN



“During the session I thought WOW!  It was so refreshing, as a nine-year tenured teacher, to experience ‘newness’ and a desire and passion to be the best educator I can be.  Jeff’s delivery of the material, supported by his personal experiences, were realistic and inspiring!"

Yolanda W.

7th Grade Math Teacher

Danville, KY